K o d a k I n s t a m a t i c X - 3 5 |
Kodak Instamatic X-35
The automatic exposure on this camera is achieved in a slightly unusual manner. As the shutter control is operated, a small aperture opens progressively in the CdS cell window. At the same time a disc containing a series of increasingly larger holes rotates behind the Kodar lens. When the correct size lens aperture is in place for the prevailing light conditions, the rotating disc is stopped and the shutter is allowed to operate. Two focus settings are available, 2-6 feet and beyond 6 feet, flash is provided by Magicube.name | : Kodak Instamatic X-35 | produced between | : 1970 - 1976 | lens | : f/8, 41mm | shutter | : 1/45, 1/90 | film type | : 126 cartridge | picture size | : 28 x 28 mm | original list price (USD) | : 48.00 | categories | : instamatic |