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Extract from Amateur Photographer Magazine, 28 August 1999, reproduced with permission.
Amateur Photographer

Double eclipse coup for a Box Brownie

AN AMATEUR photographer from Surrey deployed the same trusty old Box Brownie camera to photograph the solar eclipse earlier this month that she used at a previous eclipse in the 1920's.

Isobel with her Box Brownie One of the main problems facing 82-year old Isabel Corket, who lives near Caterham, was getting 127 film this time around.

'I had an awful job this time but I got it from abroad via an antique camera shop in London. They managed to get me two, though I only put one in. I just wanted to get the eclipse in my camera and look at it afterwards.' Isobel ended up taking eight shots.

She bought the 'Model 0' camera in 1926 for half a crown. 'I get a lot of teasing : "Here comes granny with her Box Brownie," they say. But although I have had a lot of other cameras over the years, this is the one I really get on with.'

Sadly the camera is now showing the effects of time. 'One of the viewfinders is broken, so when I take a picture of anyone I get them to wave a white duster so I can home in on them. It's a bit Heath Robinson, I know, but still better than those newfangled things,' she said.

Picture : Isobel with the Box Brownie that captured two eclipses.

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