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A Few Snaps From My Holiday in Scotland, September 1999

These pictures were taken on 110-size 400ASA Kodak Gold film with my Brownie camera, as much for my own pleasure as to show what these basic cameras are capable of, with a little care.

The negatives were scanned with my Olympus ES-10, then tidied and converted to JPG format with "Paint Shop Pro 4".
Looking across Lock Eck to the west from the A815. Taken mid-morning on a virtually windless day, this was the only time, in the week we were there, that the reflections were so well defined.
Another view of Loch Eck, from a little further up the road, looking north.
A view across Glen Coe, looking south from the A82. Note the flaring in the upper portion of the picture from the sun, which is just out of frame.
Finally, a panoramic "digital composite" of two negatives, to encompass the view from "Rest and Be Thankful", looking north from the A83 above Glen Croe.

Pictures and text by Chris Eve

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