c o n t a c t
This site is for reference only, I'm not the specialist who collected all information contained in this site but if you have a specific question I might be able to help or point you in the right direction. Just drop me a note.
When you find mistakes or inconsistencies on this site, or have some additional information to share, by all means, let me know. Always good to have some feedback, be it positive or positively negative.
Want to buy?
The cameras on this website can not be bought, they have been sold in 2005 already and are gone, probably part of someone else's collection right now. When you're looking for a specific item, it's best to try your local flea markets, your local charity and antique shops and of course one of the many auction sites on the internet. Buying abroad is now easier than ever but when you do so, keep in mind that postage can be steep and customers might add another 20 percent to the price.
Want to sell?
Please note that I'm not a Kodak collector myself, per se. I do collect beautiful items, also cameras, but no a particular brandname or series. So there's little sense in offering me cameras for sale.
I am not in a position to determine the value of your camera, when I have information, it will be somewhere on this website, just read the Hints'n'Tips section for more information on camera value. Easiest is to check the completed auctions on eBay but also consider the postage from and to foreign countries.
When sending eMail note BMP and TIF files will be deleted on my mailserver.
The best way to contact me is by eMail.
I wish you a good time on my website,
Mischa Koning